Intimate waxing during pregnancy?… 🤰🤰



We get lots of enquiries into our intimate waxing, and one of the main questions we are asked is “I’m pregnant, am I OK having waxing?”

YES! 👌👌
Our Waxperts have been trained with Waxperts themselves, use the Waxperts technique and the products & treatment are completely safe to use/have during pregnancy!
The only product not recommended to use during pregnancy is the Waxperts wonder pads due to the salicylic acid in this product.

It doesn’t matter how far you are into your pregnancy, intimate waxing is suitable for all stages. Even past your “due” date!!
Let’s face it, day to day tasks are difficult enough as it is whilst pregnant, never mind trying to keep up with shaving with a growing bump getting in the way!

If your still a little worried or concerned about waxing during pregnancy, there is no harm in talking to your consultant or midwife!

Waxperts have a few top tips for waxing during pregnancy:
– Book all of your waxing appointments in together, working back from your due date! (you can always tweak or move them)
– Avoid caffeine before waxing – this can make you more sensitive
– Use Waxperts body oil on bump, bum and thighs to keep the skin hydrated.
– Exfoliate the area gently with a mitt to prevent ingrowing hairs
– After baby, waxing can be re booked from 6 weeks post partum. But this depends on the individuals healing rate, stitches, etc.
– After a c-section, the scar must not be waxed for 6 months. And so we would just avoid this area or leave a triangle covering the scar in a Brazillian wax.

Has that put your mind at ease?
If you still have questions, please font hesitate to get in touch with us! Our Waxperts are happy to advise… 💜