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waxing alternatives

What can I do instead of waxing?!


We know your all wondering what your going to do, how you will cope without your waxing appointment or how your thinking your going to come out of lock down looking like Chewbacca ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ™ˆ

Ellen Kavanagh Jones of Waxperts salon says that shaving right now would set you back about three waxes… โ€œIt’s taken so many waxes to get them where they are, where the hair growth is sparser and finer”, she says. “Youโ€™re not going out anywhere, nobodyโ€™s going to be looking at you, so just grab the jeans and forget that the hair is growing.”

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beauty apprentice warrington

What it means to be an apprentice…

Liv was recently asked by her apprenticeship providers to write a little post about being an apprentice, what it means, why Liv wanted to do an apprenticeship and how she went about getting one.

Liv was asked to do this because she is a FINALIST in the British Hair & Beauty awards for apprentice of the year!!! 

We are super proud of Liv, super proud of how far she has come in such a short space of time and wanted to share Livs post with you all… 

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katherine daniels. skin care, warrington, facials, beauty salon

Who is Katherine Daniels?…

So before we had to temporarily close the salon doors (damn Covid-19!!) you might have seen a few new bits popping up around the salon, some new products and you might have heard us going on and on about Katherine Daniels.. We were SUPER excited to introduce you to Katherine Daniels and we know your going to love “her”…

So, who is Katherine Daniels?! …

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beauty salon, warrington, day spa

Do you make the most out of our relaxation room?

Have you visited our relaxation room?

Did you know we even had one?!

Our relaxation room is open to EVERYONE!

So, if your early for an appointment, want to chill after a treatment, want to avoid the rush hour traffic after a treatment or simply want to enjoy a bit more you time? Then head up to our relaxation room!

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No question is too stupid…

“Ok this is going to sound really stupid!”

“I’m really embarrassed to ask this!”

“Sorry if I’m being really stupid”

EVERY single day we receive calls or messages off someone that thinks their asking a “really stupid question” But you know what, we’ve actually answered your “really stupid question” to so many other customers already and it’s in fact not stupid at all! 

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team photo, little luxury, beauty salon, warrington, cheshire

We are not judging you!

What is it that puts you off visiting a new salon or walking in for that first appointment?

Have you visited salons and left uncomfortable, watched people/ therapists gossip or talk about other customers?

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valentines nail art

Valentines Inspired Nails…

Looking for a bit of nail inspiration this month?

We love any excuse to get creative with nail art, valentines, spring, summer, Halloween, Christmas- we will turn any season into nail art! Stephanie created the above nail art inspiration, cute aren’t they?!

Take a look at this simple and subtle Valentines look Eloise created in the salon this week.. 

valentines nails

Still need a bit of inspiration? We’ve created a Valentines Inspiration Pintrest board. Take a look by clicking HERE. 

Want to book a nail appointment? Click HERE.


natural nails warrington

How can I improve my natural nails?

Are you desperate to have beautiful looking natural nails?! Want to be proud of your beautiful, perfect looking nails?

Having your nails done, your nails looking tidy and neat can make you feel so much better about yourself and there is a few things we can recommend to help improve the condition of your own natural nails.  Continue reading

the gel bottle warrington

The Gel Bottle is cruelty free!

Did you know our The Gel Bottle products we use for our builder gel and gel polish treatments and vegan friendly and cruelty free!! We are very proud to use products like this. 

Being vegan relies on products not containing any by- products of animals and The Gel Bottle find this a very important part of their brand ethos. Both The Gel Bottle & Peacci, the gel bottles sister company, are began friendly and cruelty free! 

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builder gel, biab, builder in a bottle, nail salon, warrington, gel nails

What can I do for my weak nails?

Are your nails weak and brittle?
Want perfect classy looking nails but your own natural nails just don’t allow that?
Don’t want acrylic enhancements?

Then we have your answer… Builder gel! ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

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