waxperts waxing, intimate waxing, warrington, bikini wax, hollywood wax, brazillian wax

Brazilian/Hollywood waxing in Warrington.

Intimate waxing is one of our most popular treatments in the salon every month and is becoming more and more popular every month! 

Our Waxpert, Katie, has answered all of our most common questions asked about intimate waxing to ensure you are completely ready for your first appointment…

Does it hurt?

Waxing isn’t pain free (as much as we would love to be able to say it is!), you may feel a slight discomfort especially if it is your first wax experience, but we want to make your experience as pain free and comfortable as possible. It will only last a few seconds, but once your used to it and have been having regular waxes your hair will become weaker, making each wax more comfortable. If your skin is particularly sensitive, why not pop into the salon and we will do you a patch test just to put your mind at ease.

How often should I have my waxing?

For the best results, you should come back every 4-5 weeks for your waxing. The ideal length for your hair to be for waxing is around 1cm (or about as long as a grain of rice). 


Do I need to do anything before my waxing appointment?

A few days before your appointment exfoliate the area to help get rid of any dead skin cells and prepare the hair for waxing. On the day of your appointment, avoid any moisturisers, deodorants or hot showers/heat treatments (sunbed/sauna/steam). Strange fact – avoid being waxed in the run up to THAT time of the month and avoid caffeine on the day as this sensitises you! Good tips to know which will help a little. 🙂

Im a little nervous, is that just me?!

It is completely normal for you to be apprehensive about a waxing appointment as it isn’t everyday a complete stranger will be seeing you half naked is it?! However, we have seen it all before and its our job so don’t be nervous or embarrassed. We want to give you the best wax experience but if you do have any questions, don’t be shy just ask. 

brazilian wax, hollywood wax, warrington, waxing salon, beauty salon

What is a Brazilian/Hollywood wax?

In both of these extreme bikini waxes, all hair is removed from the labia(lips) and bum but with a Brazilian a small ‘landing’ strip or triangle is left on the bikini area. A Hollywood wax will leave you completely bald, all pubic hair removed! Its all just down to personal preference. Click here to take a look at our full intimate waxing treatments. 

Is it a different wax used?

YES! Hot wax is also known as hard wax and is peelable. This means it doesn’t require any paper strips to be removed. It is the most suitable wax for sensitive areas with coarser hairs like bikini’s and underarm’s… which is why this is what we will use on you to give you the best and most comfortable experience possible. 

What do I need to do after my waxing?

After you’ve had a wax the aftercare is quite simple and easy to follow. We will always give you an aftercare card to take once you’ve been in, just in case you need to remind yourself. The big thing to do afterwards is exfoliate (2-3 times weekly) to try and prevent any ingrown hairs. To help with this and to keep your skin smooth we have Waxperts Wonderpads for you to purchase and use (they are amazing!!). AND… on your first Brazilian or Hollywood wax we give you a pack of these for FREE. 

Things not to do for 24 hours; no hot showers/baths, no sunbeds, avoid the gym (not that we need to be told twice), no fake tan or moisturisers, and no shaving or epilating between waxes (LEAVE THE HAIR REMOVAL TO US!)

After that you can just enjoy being smooth!

hollywood wax, brazilian wax, warrington, waxing salon, beauty salon

Still got a couple of questions? That’s ok.. contact us HERE.

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