hd brows, warrington, brows, high definition brows, beauty salon

MORE HD brow appointments!!…

We now have FOUR fully qualified HD Brow stylists!!

This weekend Chelsea has been to Leeds for two days training with High Definition Beauty to become a fully qualified HD Brow stylist. 

HD Brows is one of our most popular treatments at Little Luxury and we were finding it difficult to get new bookings in to our diary because of the demand.

SO, now we are keeping up with the demand!!

HD brows, brows, high definition brows, warrington, beauty salon

Chelsea will be back in the salon from the 7th June and will be looking for models during the 7th & 21st June only at just £15 instead of £25!!


Haven’t heard much about HD brows, not sure what the treatment is or if it’s right for you? Take a look at one of our previous blogs by clicking here to read more about this treatment. 

hd brows, warrington, high definition brows, beauty salon, little luxury

We CANNOT wait to get Chelsea back in to the salon to hear all about her training (HD Brow training is A-mazing!!) and to see her offering this treatment to customers.

Don’t miss out!!….