No question is too stupid…

“Ok this is going to sound really stupid!”

“I’m really embarrassed to ask this!”

“Sorry if I’m being really stupid”

EVERY single day we receive calls or messages off someone that thinks their asking a “really stupid question” But you know what, we’ve actually answered your “really stupid question” to so many other customers already and it’s in fact not stupid at all! 

Questions like… 

What do I wear for a massage?

Do I wear any underwear for an intimate wax?

Does an intimate wax include the bum?

Can I have acrylics in any length and shape?

NONE (and any other questions you might have) is stupid. We might do these treatments daily (and could probably do them with our eyes shut) but that doesn’t mean your expected to know the ins & outs of everything we do! That’s our job, an it’s also our job to advise, support and help you with any questions, worries or aftercare you might need to know about anything we offer. 

You can give us a call or a message at any time if you feel a little embarrassed asking us a question face to face (but PLEASE, don’t be embarrassed. You might think it is embarrassing but I can promise you it wont be the first time we’ve heard it!)

Don’t put off booking an appointment or treatment just because you think your question is stupid. You know what? I actually love it when people ask us there “stupid or embarrassing” questions because it shows to me where people need advice, what treatments people may not fully understand and it allows me to write blogs/posts just like this- and then we can help people! 

So, ask away! Please. Save me a job wracking my brain for post content 😉 I PROMISE you, our fabulous team will not be laughing at you or judging you on anything you ask! You can read our other blog about judging you here!

If you do want to get in touch with any questions you have, click HERE.

Speak to you soon. 

Kayleigh & The LL Team.