Tag Archives: little luxury

What makes Little Luxury different?

What makes Little Luxury different to any other salon in Warrington?

When we are looking to find a new salon for all of our nail and beauty needs I’m sure that is a question that we ask ourselves- but what makes them different, why should I visit that salon, aren’t they all just the same?

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Our salon policy’s.

Our salon policy’s.

We understand life is busy, things happen and sometimes it can’t be helped and you may need to change your appointments. But, at the end of the day we are a business. A business trying to make money to ensure each member of staff can be paid, bills can be paid and products can be bought. You wouldn’t accept going into work and being told your not needed for a couple of hours so you won’t be getting paid, would you?

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Celebrating another successful year!

Little Luxury turned TWO this month and we had a weekend of celebrations!!

I cannot believe it has been two years since I first started and opened Little Luxury. So much has gone on, improved and grown in those two years and what better way than to celebrate with all of our lovely customer’s, because without you, we would not be where we are today!!

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It’s been a busy month!!

We have had LOTS going on through out February, in and out of the salon. Let us tell you more!…

2016, I said would be my year for the salon & so I started the year raring to go and determined to achieve everything I have set out for. I have so much planned to grow and improve Little Luxury and January & February have been packed with all of these plans.

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Little Luxury Beauty Salon, Warrington, is about to celebrate our SECOND birthday!!

Can you believe that Little Luxury has been open for TWO years on Friday 19th February?! The time has flown by and I cannot believe how far the salon and the team has come in that small space of time.

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