Team day out!

It was that time of year again… Professional Beauty North!! 

We love attending open days, events and shows and this week it was time for Manchester beauty show.

You know we love to keep up to date with new treatments, trends and products and that is what we were doing on Monday! We took a day out from the salon to attend the Professional Beauty Manchester to watch demos, seminars, visit new brand stalls and our current brands!


We came back with lots of goodies for you all! Including; Magpie glitters, new nail art brushes, make up brushes, a make up brush cleaner (which, we are all amazed with!!!) and lots more!! But most importantly we watched loads of demos and amazing nail techs and came away with so many idea and things for the future!!

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Kayleigh managed to squeeze in on the amazing Gemma Lamberts demo and had some one stroke nail art done on one of fingers- how amazing!!


In the mean time, Katie & Sophie were trying their hardest not to dribble whilst having their teeth whitened and having their photos taken by random people passing!! ??


And after a busy day of shopping we put our feet up and enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine and some food (with a little visitor!!)

It’s not until you look back this time last year ( Facebook time hop helps!!) that you realise just how much we have grown in the last year. Photo below- Pro beauty last year vs this year!! Our team has grown ?
