beauty apprentice warrington

What it means to be an apprentice…

Liv was recently asked by her apprenticeship providers to write a little post about being an apprentice, what it means, why Liv wanted to do an apprenticeship and how she went about getting one.

Liv was asked to do this because she is a FINALIST in the British Hair & Beauty awards for apprentice of the year!!! 

We are super proud of Liv, super proud of how far she has come in such a short space of time and wanted to share Livs post with you all… 

I left high school with only 1 clear interest which was beauty, when I left the only option available at the time was to study this in college but this was something I really didn’t want to do, I had very little confidence and opted to study Heath and Social care at Cronton College. It didn’t take too long before I realised this was not what I wanted to do and Beauty was my only interest. I continued with my college course, around November 2018 I started to search google for local Salons who had great reviews from clients and Little Luxury stood out from the rest. One day I plucked up the courage to email the salon, after a few hours Kayleigh (Salon Owner) replied back saying they were not taking on any Apprentices before Christmas but to contact again in the New Year. In the meantime I started to help a family friend who ran a massage and Reiki business from her home, I just helped with making cups of tea and preparing the room for her clients during this short time It gave me a little incite to the industry and spurred me on even more. In January I contacted Kayleigh again but she was on maternity leave with her 2nd child Mollie. Each month I emailed just to let Kayleigh Know I was still really interested in meeting her. When Kayleigh returned back to work she contacted me and invited me for an interview I was over the moon but so scared. I arrived for my interview with my Mum just to walk in with me, I was shaking,  Kayleigh asked me lots of questions which I answered well (I think) she kindly asked me to come for a trial which led to Kayleigh offering me an apprenticeship I was so happy and nervous at the same time. I started my apprenticeship July 2019, Im not going to say it was easy to begin with due to me being very shy and not having lots of confidence but Kayleigh believed in me, my team mates have been amazing and made me feel part of the team early on. My Tutor Amy was so helpful and supportive too she left after several months (Maternity Leave) Charlotte my new tutor has also been really good and informative. (Im sure everyone has patience of saints )As the weeks went by my confidence improved and started to come out of my shell, in fact I have been given the nick name of Drama Queen and constantly make the girls laugh on a daily basis and I am no longer that shy New girl in the Salon. The first skill I started to learn was manicures and pedicures which has been really enjoyable, I’ve had so many positive and encouraging comments from clients its been surreal, l started to build my very own client base and many re-booking after each session. Im now learning all about Massage and Facials which I totally love, its an amazing feeling making people feel relaxed and walking out of the salon so happy it makes me feel pretty proud of myself, and continues to motivate me to be best I can be and give my clients the best experience I can. Being a finalist is the most amazing feeling I can’t really describe other than I feel extremely happy to be even considered and I wish to thank Kayleigh, my team mates and my Tutors for all their support. This opportunity is only making me want to be the best I can and be happy in what I do.

I would just like to say to anyone who does struggle with their confidence that you can do anything with support and belief..


Liv. x